Lombardi Live! featuring Dennis Chambers & Terry Bozzio


In this week’s Lombardi Live! episode, Don interviews drumming legends Dennis Chambers and Terry Bozzio. They share stories that have never been heard before, and offer tips that will help young drummers become working drummers. Check out a new episode of Lombardi Live! every Tuesday at 5PM PT!

Connect with Dennis Chambers!
📘 Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/Dennis-Chambers-92821609368/
📷 Instagram – http://www.instagram.com/dennischambersofficial/

Connect with Terry Bozzio!
📘 Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/TerryBozzioOfficial/
📷 Instagram – http://www.instagram.com/terry_bozzio_official/
🐦 Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/terrybozzio/

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#LombardiLive #DennisChambers #TerryBozzio

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